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Site of Colombian artist Sebastián Bravo Guerrero. Magical realities, paintings & limited edition prints
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UNIQUE – a resilience kintsugi series


Medium: Digital illustration on canvas hand-embellished prints

The “Unique” series delves into the narratives of individuals grappling with socially challenging skin conditions, each imbued with its own intricacies. Through this artistic exploration, the intention is to illustrate how resilience, akin to the Japanese philosophy of Kintsugi, serves as a transformative force. These individuals embark on a journey of healing, acceptance, and self-discovery, emerging as more vibrant and empowered beings after undergoing both physical and spiritual metamorphoses to embrace their conditions.

With a collection of five digitally crafted illustrations, I present a fresh perspective on the themes of healing and acceptance, which are foundational to the human experience for those living with these unique skin conditions. Drawing inspiration from the ethos of Kintsugi, I seek to communicate this concept through my artistic style, engaging in a symbolic dialogue centered around the notion of “the gold that mends the wounds.” It is a celebration of resilience, where despite the fractures and setbacks, individuals rise anew, their scars becoming badges of honor, testaments to their enduring strength and capacity for renewal.

In interpreting the image as a catalyst for restoration, the “Unique” series contemplates the possibility of embracing healing. It amplifies the distinct characteristics of each individual, spotlighting the very differences that render us uniquely human and beckoning the attention of society at large. Echoing the philosophy of Kintsugi, we honor the marks left by illness or adversity, recognizing them as integral parts of our personal narratives. Just as the series celebrates these stories of resilience, it is also a reflection of my own journey of gathering fragments, piecing together my identity, and infusing each crevice with metaphorical gold—a profound and alchemical process of personal reinvention.


Sunny – Albinism


Hand-embellished print on moab entrada rag 300gr

13 inch x 13 inch 2023 (17×17 inch framed)

Signed and numbered

Ralph – Hypertrichosis


Hand-embellished print on moab entrada rag 300gr

13 inch x 13 inch 2023 (17×17 inch framed)

Signed and number

Marry – Alopecia


Hand-embellished print on moab entrada rag 300gr

13 inch x 13 inch 2023 (17×17 inch framed)

Signed and numbered

Lu – Vitiligo


Hand-embellished print on moab entrada rag 300gr

13 inch x 13 inch 2023 (17×17 inch framed)

Signed and number

Hector – Melasma


Hand-embellished print on moab entrada rag 300gr

13 inch x 13 inch 2023 (17×17 inch framed)

Signed and numbered

Lu – Moles


Hand-embellished print on moab entrada rag 300gr

13 inch x 13 inch 2023 (17×17 inch framed)

Signed and number