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Site of Colombian artist Sebastián Bravo Guerrero. Magical realities, paintings & limited edition prints
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In Illustration / mural painting

Mural Delocal

In album covers / Illustration

Sun on the Tree – the cool of the afternoon

In Illustration

Esperanza Protocol – Cejil

In album / album covers / Illustration

Akt Ando earth

In Illustration

Cejil climate change

In album covers / Illustration

el Gato – la maría y el kminante

In album covers / Illustration

Samuel Torres Alegria

In album covers / Illustration


In album / album covers / Illustration

Olvidar bailando La-33 feat.Hardem

In album / album covers / Illustration

LA-33 Feat. Lianna

In Illustration / Print

Festival Jaguar

In album covers / Illustration


In album covers / Illustration

Ana maria Laroc

In album covers / Illustration

La -33 singles

In album / album covers / Illustration

Si tú quieres salsa – La 33

In Illustration / Poster

Index on Censorship – Freedom of speech awards

In album covers / Illustration

Angico – Graciliano Zambonin

In album covers / Illustration

Orquesta Universal – Urpi Barco & Lucho Hermida

In Illustration / Poster


In album covers / Illustration

Luna llena Salsa band

In Illustration / Poster / Print

Festival Jaguar 2017

In album covers / Illustration

Bestiario-Felipe Rey

In Illustration / Poster

Los Feliz

In album covers / Illustration


In album covers / Illustration / Print

Alma Nomade

In Illustration

I love you love me love you

In Illustration

CDR-Homenaje Revista Aleph

In Illustration


In Illustration

En la cuerda floja

In Illustration / Poster / Print

Festival Jaguar 2016

In Illustration

Tupe god

In Illustration

Carnaval blancos & negros

In Illustration

Bollo e yuca

In Illustration

Radio Mixticius

In Illustration

La revuelta

In Illustration / Poster

Festival Quiero Cuento

In Illustration


In Illustration

Red kambiri

In Illustration

Jackson ensamble