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Fantastic layered humans – Curanderas
Site of Colombian artist Sebastián Bravo Guerrero. Magical realities, paintings & limited edition prints
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Fantastic layered humans – Curanderas

Curanderas (Fantastic layered Humans) 

2018-2020 Limited edition (25)

Hand-embellished digital illustration on canvas. Numbered and signed with a certificate.

22 x 17 inch

Humankind has been linked through centuries and knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation. Our races have mingled over time and nowadays we are a “pure” hybrid of ancestors. We are all branches of an immense tree called life. Healing has existed since the beginning of times and healers have danced with death in a never-ending cycle. These Curanderas are created to guide and protect, they are a blend of deity and human form. Each Curandera is uniquely painted and hand embellished to protect. Pearled up with gold and iridescent inks with a varnish coat.

Celt Believer

22 inch x 17 inch



African Mystic Believer

22 inch x 17 inch



Jaguared Tropical curandera

22 inch x 17 inch



Indigenous buika Curaca

22 inch x 17 inch



Indigenous Jaguared girl

22 inch x 17 inch



Afro Jaguared Girl

22 inch x 17 inch